Quick & Easy Breakfast Recipes
Our quick and easy breakfast recipes incorporate super foods and nutritious ingredients like oats and quinoa into breakfast bars, warm cereal, breakfast cookies, and smoothies. Also try our make-ahead breakfast recipes, such as burritos and sandwiches, breakfast casseroles, coffee cakes, and muffins

Creamy Deviled Eggs

Sweet Rice Porridge

Martha's Scrambled Eggs
Avocado-Banana Smoothie

Corned-Beef Egg Cups

Bacon Pancakes

Fast Raspberry Scones

Oven-Baked Blueberry Pancake

Skillet Pancake for Two

Silver Dollar Pancakes

Salmon and Scrambled Eggs

Grapefruit, Carrot, and Ginger Juice

Cheddar-and-Scallion Savory Pancakes

Eggs Goldenrod

Pineapple and Ginger Smoothie

Cranberry Scones
Best Quick Pancakes

Mashed-Avocado and Egg Toast

Brown-Sugar Bananas

Almond Flour Pancakes

Swedish Pancakes

Green Machine Smoothie

Fried Bacon

Olive Oil-Fried Eggs

Quick Broccoli Frittata

Peanut Butter Waffles

Beet Hash with Eggs
Banana-Yogurt Smoothie

Maple-Glazed Bacon

Corn-Tortilla and Egg Scramble

Irish Soda Scones

Tomato, Scallion, and Cheddar Frittata

Cheddar Biscuits
Quinoa Cereal

Pita Bread French Toast

Foolproof Hard-Cooked Eggs

Perfect Homemade Granola

Cream Scones with Currants

Stone-Fruit Compote

Apple Pancakes

Potato-Leek Frittata

Dutch Baby Pancake with Apples

Cucumber Blueberry Smoothie

Perfect Omelets

Sauteed Spinach with Poached Eggs

Spiderweb Eggs

Breakfast Vegetable-Miso Soup with Chickpeas

Parmesan Fried Eggs with Bitter Greens